Our February dog of the month is a real sweetheart and none other than our Rudy Cronin. Rudy was one of the first meet and greets that I did by myself shortly after taking over the business. Rudy has been a daily client since. During summer months Rudy would go off of the schedule because his grandma would come to watch his sister Emily. He is on the schedule much more infrequently now because his dad works from home. Which is sad for us because the pet sitters don’t get to see him very often but so great for Rudy.

1. What is your name, age, and where do you live?
My name is Rudy Cronin, I will turn 13 years young in March and I live in the Treesdale Community in Gibsonia.
2. What is your favorite food?
It is a tie between my turkey link breakfast sausage in the morning or my turkey hot dog for dinner. I will stare down and snort at my family until I get them.
3. Favorite pastime?
Taking my after dinner walk through the neighborhood to see all my friends.
4. What is your biggest pet peeve?
When my family forces me to cuddle with them.
5. Favorite time of year?
I love the summer because my sister stays home from school and I can lay out in the warm sun.
6. Best vacation destination?
My Baba’s house in Butler, I get to stay with her while my family goes to the beach. She spoils me with many walks and belly rubs.
7. Favorite spot to snuggle/nap?
I enjoy curling up on my blanket on the sofa or in front of the warm fireplace.
8. What is the naughtiest thing you have ever done?
Though I am a very good boy, I did once go #2 in my parents’ shower when everyone was out of the house.