Our August Dogs of the Month are a dynamic duo of Boxer brothers, Samson and Hector. We have known them most of their lives and they are great big softies whom we just love! They are the perfect houseguests when they stay with Maureen. Learn all about them below.
1. What is your name, age, and where do you live?
-Samson- Samma Jamma jamson, Scoobie Doo, Scoob, Age 9 (the brown debonaire looking one.)
-Hector- Hector the Protector, Skibby Jib, Hecto La Mecto, Age 8 (the tall dark and handsome one.)
2. What is your favorite food?
-Good Boy Treats!! (aka, Rascals- from The Holistic Pet Nutrition Center!)
3. What is your favorite pastime?
-Samson: Balls, Balls, Balls… and the occasionally frisbee, then a nap!
-Hector: Protecting the borders, and keeping my people safe from intruders, especially ground hogs and chipmunks! Then a nap :)
4. What is your biggest pet peeve?
-When Mom runs out of Good Boy Treats and tries to pass off “fake” ones!
5. What is your favorite time of year?
-Summer time. We know its bad, but we are sun worshipers!!
6. What is your favorite vacation destination?
-Aunt Maureen’s house!
7. Where is your favorite spot to snuggle/nap?
-On the couch or morning snuggles in bed with Mom (Because Mom is our favorite!)
8. What is the naughtiest thing you have ever done?
-Hector: I frequently dig holes trying to find infiltrators tunneling into ‘My’ borders until I am a mud caked dog.
-Samson: I am the best dog that has ever walked on this earth, I never get in trouble….except that one time my human brother was watching, "not watching" me, when I was a baby and I got into the kindling bin in the basement and covered the entire floor with 100 sticks of wood :)
*editor's note: I agree. Samson may be the best boy ever!