Our Dog of the Month for November is a real Rock Star-well, at least he’s named after one! Mick Shodi gets his name from Mr. Jagger but he really is a star in our eyes. The sitters just love Mick and his sweet ways, we think you will too!

1.What is your name, age, and where do you live? Hi, my name is Mick and I just turned 15. I live in Cranberry Township.
2. What is your favorite food? I wake up my mom every morning (sometimes very, very early) just to enjoy our yogurt breakfast together. I love yogurt.
3. Favorite pastime? When I was young my favorite pastime was definitely walking. My mom and I walked so much the locals would stop us and comment on it. Now that I am older, I love to lay on the deck and explore my yard (with Joyce and Rae).
4. What is your biggest pet peeve? My biggest pet peeve is storms and thunder. This past summer was so annoying to me.
5. Favorite time of year? My favorite time of the year is fall. I enjoy the cool weather, watching football games, and eating a lot of pumpkin. Halloween is my favorite holiday.
6. Best vacation destination? Best vacation destination is definitely grandma and grandpas “dog resort.” I get a lot of walks with good smells, fed very well, and all day attention. I get to stay there when my mom has to travel for work.
7. Favorite spot to snuggle/nap? My favorite spot to snuggle is in any corner of the sectional. I get all of the corners. I like to move the covers that my mom tries to keep on the sectional to make it just right for me.
8. What is the naughtiest thing you have ever done? One naughty thing that I did (of course when I was much less mature) was leave a big “present” under the dining room table just 5 minutes after my mom brought me home from Action for Animals in Latrobe. I was happy to be home!