This quarter features not just one cat but a trio of really sweet kitties-Lilly, Zoe and Milo Monahan.
1. What is your name, age, and where do you live?
Zoe – 7 years old Bradfordwoods, PA
Milo – 6 years old Bradfordwoods, PA
Lilly – 6 years old Bradfordwoods, PA
2. Describe your purrrfect day.
Zoe – Laying in the sun, eating dried food, and Milo nowhere in sight
Milo – Tormenting Zoe and Lilly and then a nap on top of Mommy.
Lilly – Having Daddy pet and brush me for hours far away from Zoe and Milo.
3. Are you indoor or outdoor?
Zoe – Indoor
Milo – Indoor
Lilly – Indoor
4. Favorite place to cat nap?
Zoe – In the sun in the living room …so I can see if Milo is coming to attack me.
Milo – In the corner on the porch ready to attack Zoe or Lilly if they try to come out on the porch.
Lilly – On the sofa looking out the front window to watch the chipmunks and to wait for Daddy to come home from work.
5. Favorite food?
Zoe – dried cat food and dried fish treats
Milo – yogurt and fresh catnip leaves
Lilly – dried fish treats, salmon, and chicken…anything off Daddy’s plate.
6. Are you people oriented or a loner?
Zoe – loner but love Mommy.
Milo – love all people…especially tasty ones since I like to bite if you stop petting me or aren’t paying attention.
Lilly – people oriented but only when they are sitting still. Love Mommy’s knitting group.
7. What is your biggest pet peeve?
Zoe – Touching me when you have on hand lotion.
Milo – Zoe whacking me in the head when I am sound asleep.
Lilly – Trying to pet me downstairs near Zoe and Milo. I like to be petted in my room upstairs.
8. What is the naughtiest thing you have ever done?
Zoe – I sometimes attack Lilly if I get upset with Milo attacking me. I also like to eat ribbons.
Milo – I love to trash the toilet paper roll. I unwind it and then wind it back up into a huge clump. I also love to chomp on anything plastic.
Lilly – I got outside once…but was terrified and will NEVER do it again.