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Cat of the Quarter-October-December 2019

Writer's picture: Maureen LaniewskiMaureen Laniewski

Our Cat of  the Quarter is a real gem! Meet Bub, Buddy, Hambone-he answers to them all! Don’t let that stern look fool you-Bub Morton is a real sweetheart and we love caring for him! He’s also a real talker-just read below.

1. What is your name, age, and where do you live? Hi there, my name is Buddy. I was originally given the name Sammy by my previous owners but I was rescued at the age of two (give or take a year) and my new family quickly changed my name to Buddy. When my humans would come home from work they would always call Buddy where are you?…when they came in the door so that is how it got changed to Buddy. I seemed to adjust quickly to the name change. Later down the road, they gave me the nicknames of Bub and or ham bone. I will come running to all three as long as there is food at the end. I am about 14 years young and currently live in Cranberry Township.

2. Describe your purrrfect day. My purrfect day is to sleep, eat, sleep, eat and repeat. I enjoy it so much I do it every day.

3. Are you indoor or outdoor? I’m 100% an indoor cat BUT, I did escape one night several years back. I was trying to get out to see my girlfriend that would always come by my house and would sun bathe out on our patio (right outside our screen door). I could stare at her for hours through the screen as she would lay there and do that smooth cat tail wave. When one of my humans stepped outside I scurried out the door, my humans were not able to capture me and away I was off for what I thought would be an “adventure”. Little did I know at the time that night we would have what I thought was one of the worst thunderstorms of my life (probably because I was stuck on the outside with no protection and didn’t know what to do as this was all new to me). I spent the night out on the run and came home in the morning covered in mud.

4. Favorite place to cat nap? Favorite place to cat nap – Is there really a wrong place? I love finding a sunbeam shining trough the window that I can lay in the warmth of the sun. But if I had to pick a location hands down it would be my four-legged sister’s dog bed. She is a Newfie so the bed is like a king size bed to me. Even has HER name on it but I claimed that most comfortable BIG bed the day it arrived at the house, never thought twice about it and that is where I sleep most of my hours during the day. My second favorite is in my room in my octagon that my humans have put blankets inside and covered the top with blankets to make it really dark inside, I like to call that my cat den.

5. Favorite food? My favorite food, well unfortunately I’m on a restricted diet of prescription food which I don’t seem to mind BUT on occasion when my humans have Salmon for dinner they share a few bites with me and wow is that lip smacking amazing!

6. Are you people oriented or a loner? I like ME time; but from time-to-time I like a little cuddle time with my humans, mainly with my daddy.

7. What is your biggest pet peeve? Being rubbed on my hind quarters (I don’t think I’m the only cat that thinks this so don’t call my crazy)

8. What is the naughtiest thing you have ever done?

Naughtiest thing I’ve ever done or am currently doing….As I’ve gotten older I continuously will poop right outside my litter box. There are times I will go in my litter box where I’ve gone all my life and my humans keep them really clean but I know it irks them so I continue to go outside, there is no rhyme or reason to it. Between you and me, I know I get attention that way so I continue with it. Back in the day when I was allowed in my humans bedroom, I would climb up on the nightstand (on my mommy’s side of the bed) and sit there and stare at her (she couldn’t see me but I know she knew I was there stalking her, waiting to pounce on my prey) all of a sudden I would take a jumping leap and attack her head and off I went where she couldn’t get me. Man would she get so mad at me but I sure did have fun doing it. Needless to say, I’m not allowed in the room anymore at night.

Well that is my story, hope you enjoyed it. As you can see from my picture(s) I’m a handsome young fella with beautiful markings and a little soul patch on my chin.

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